דברים לזיכרו של סנסיי יהודה פנטנוביץ' ז'ל

When the sad news that Sensei Leon past away reached me I informed my students and we talked about our shared memories.

Some years ago, here in my dojo, Sensei Leon asked how long time it takes from Stockholm to the north part of Sweden, “Norma and I wish to see the midnight sun”, he said. I answered, “It takes too long, and you will miss your flight back home”. He insisted and I give him the details.

Later he told me that they had drive non-stop in a rental car all the way and then turn back instantly straight to the airport, (more than 2600 km!), and then to the flight home. He said, “The midnight sun was a great experience, well worth the trip”.

This summer gasshuku in France we had some young students that had never been to a large gasshuku before. They especially talked about one lecture with Sensei Leon “We were very nervous in the beginning but Sensei Leon made us all feel very special. After the lecture he came to us and continued to talk, it was a memory for life”.

Sensei Leon was a passionate, verbal and intellectual sensei who will be greatly missed.

On behalf of IOGKF Sweden I would like to express our condolences to Norma and IOGKF in Israel.

He is truly missed,

Björn Jonzon
IOGKF Sweden

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