Online Israeli Gasshuku – July 2020

Welcome to Israeli International July Online Gasshuku. Here is the link for registeration: ( members of the organization can register for this event. Please fill out the form, submit it and immediately transfer your payment online. The minimum donation is 20$ Canadian per participant (40$ Canadian for a family).Payments must […]

Impressions from Okinawa – Michel Sensei

Impressions from Okinawa – Michel Sensei Seven years of waiting and anticipating to return to this place – Okinawa.  Just exiting the airport into the tropical heat and humidity soothes something inside of me. I arrived with my student Vered and her father about a week before the Gasshuku and […]

August 2019 Neko Undo Challenge – here are the winners!

The August 2019 Neko Undo Challenge is over and here are the winners! In the 40 year-old and under category Sensei Yiftach Govreen from Be’er Sheva began with 34 consecutive Neko Undo and ended the month with 62, a 82.35% improvement. The biggest improvement was 36 year-old Chen Vagshel from […]


The Dojo will operate in Beit-Haam Kfar-Haim, under Sensei Amos Daniely 6th Dan and Ophir Horowitz 1st degree black belt. Classes at Mondays and Thursdays: 19:00-19:45(children); 19:45-21:00(adults)

SENSEI KATHY FARACHE – Moshe Ha Levy summer practice

Sensei Kathy Farach after a summer practice at Sensei Moshe Ha Levy’s Dojo. August 26th 2019.


Every year when my dojo in Atlit closes for the summer I like to visit different dojo around the country.  The workouts there are meaningful for me and help me to affirm my own work in my dojo.   On Wednesday, August 7th I traveled to train with Sensei Yaniv Shifrut […]

Neko-Undo – August 2019

Neko-Undo August 2019 Challenge

Grading – July 2019

July 19th, 2019, 3rd Kyu up to Dan Grading

The connection between Sanchin Kata and the Hara or Tanden

by: Kathy Farache Since I began training in 2015 the kata which has caused me to improve and develop the most is Sanchin.  Sanchin kata has a simply form but because all the muscles of the body remain in a constant state of tension and power, Sanchin kata is the […]


ספרים רבים מתייחסים לקאטה כסדרה של תנועות לחימה שמבוצעות כנגד יריב דמיוני. למרות שהסבר זה נכון טכנית הוא למעשה מבלבל ומפספס את העיקר…