In Memory of Sensei Leon Pantanowitz

Yesterday the heart of the IOGKF family missed a beat at the huge loss of one its leaders Leon Sensei.

I would like to express my sincere condolences to Norma and IOGKF Israel for your irreplaceable loss and my thoughts are with you all at this very difficult time.

Sensei Leon’s passion for Goju-Ryu karate-do was infectious and his enthusiasm for training, inspirational. His heart was the size of this planet with the love that he exuded for others and I am so happy to have had the pleasure of sharing some wonderful training moments with him, as well as some really bad jokes!!

There will be truly a gap in the line up for a long time and we will not forget, but be glad of the legacy that he leaves, as an example to us all of dedication to the spirit of the Goju Ryu Karate-do and IOGKF family.

May he rest in peace
with my love
Linda Marchant

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