Welcome to Israeli International July Online Gasshuku. Here is the link for registeration: (https://forms.gle/apdm1ovEjQ44MH6aA)
Only members of the organization can register for this event. Please fill out the form, submit it and immediately transfer your payment online. The minimum donation is 20$ Canadian per participant (40$ Canadian for a family).
Payments must be made to PayPal at:
It is best to make the payment immediately after completing the registration form. When paying with PayPal, please write your name in English and indicate in English that the donation is for Israel National Charity Gasshuku.
After payment you will receive the link for the training sessions. If you do not receive the link within 48 hours, please contact the Canbuckai and send a proof of payment made on PayPal. We will not be able to keep your place in the event for free. Any invitation not paid for by June 26 will reopen for members of the World Organization. If you would like to make changes to the form details after submitting, please submit the corrections to Canbukai
(amos.danielli2@gmail.com or danny.meisler@gmail.com)
Please make sure the email address you fill is correct, as we will make the connection and send a link to zoom.