Instructor Bio
Dan 5
As a kid, in the seventies, my interest in martial arts was ignited while reading a Sports Encyclopedia I found. I soon tried to apply what I learned the next time I was bullied in school. The boxing, Krav Magah, Jiu Jitsu and Greek wrestling pages proved extremely effective! As a result, I searched for a school where I could learn them in depth.
Jerusalem at that time was barren. I found a Jiu Jitsu class that lasted for a little while. There were only two karate schools so I started learning in the first one. I learned Shoto Kan for a year, having to take two busses to get to the dojo, but once I found people from the other Moshindo Karate school and had a fight with one of them, I concluded that the other school is more effective. I changed sides the next day and ended up learning a lot from Sensei Dan Russel (http://www.dansankan.com/instruct.html). This continued, until I was drafted in the 80s, with sometimes 6 hours a day of training and more. Learning included other topics such as yoga, Tibetan Mahayana buddhism, and trance as a means of therapy. At that time I first met Sensei George Andrews (http://www.otgka.co.uk/sensei-andrews.html), who was to become my life time teacher.
When I got released from the army, Sensei Dan suggested I will train with Sensei Leon Pantanowitz as he was no longer in the country. Training with Sensei Leon continued for the rest of the time God gave us together.
My Sensei’s emphasis on the tradition and the kata as the main instrument for gaining mastery of karate will never leave me.