דברים לזיכרו של סנסיי יהודה פנטנוביץ' ז'ל

We are deeply sadness by the passing of our long-time friend Sensei Leon Pantanowitz. Is a time of great sadness for all who knew him.

What I am feeling right now is hard to put into words. He was my friend and will be always remembered as a good man.

Israel Okinawan Goju-Ryu lost a cherished son and a great karate leader. A man of strong moral character and a great humility… my friend…

H e will be remembered here as a good friend of Spain and, I am sure, is held in special affection by all IOGKF people and always be an inspiration to us.

IOGKF Spain send to MR. Leon Pantanowitz’s family our sympathy and condolences, they are in our hearts and in our prayers.

With deepest sympathy,

Obdulia Nunes
IOGKF SPAIN secretary

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